Thursday, October 30, 2008

History's Most Notorious Criminals --- Get the sense!

Nelson Mandela

Crime: Saying that people should treat each other as equals.
Punishment: Imprisoned for 27 years.


Crime: Preferring democracy to despotism.
Punishment: Exiled, then let back. Head chopped off and stuck on a pike.

Mahatma Gandhi

Crime: Preaching non-violence.
Punishment: Repeatedly jailed. Later assassinated.

Joan of Arc

Crime: Winning too much. Being a woman. Praying a lot.
Punishment: Imprisoned, raped, and burned at the stake.


Crime: Asked searching questions about The Good, about Justice, and about man’s responsibility to his country.
Punishment: Calumnied, imprisoned, and executed by way of poison.

Galileo Galilei

Crime: Wondered if the earth could be circling the sun, and not the other way around.
Punishment: Imprisoned for life

Jesus of Nazareth

Crime: Saying we should be nice to each other.
Punishment: Beaten, mocked, whipped, stabbed, and later crucified.

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